Friday, November 11, 2016

The United States Election, held on November 8, 2016 includes a major Reality Split. Film at 11.

If you are new to this BLOG, you might not accept the idea, of Multiple Realities.  [1]

We had an "interesting Event", last Tuesday night.  It was an "attempt", at a "free and fair Election", for the United States of America.  And, in the "nail biter" of the vote coverage, it seemed that the different states voted, in something "close to" what would be expected.  My "monitoring" of "vote details" suggested a few things.

There were "thrusts and counter-thrusts", all over the place in this election, and the truth was a major casualty on both sides of the aisle.  Mr. Trump seems to have no personal issues, about using lies, if he thinks it is in "the greater good, in his mind".  In other words, Donald J. Trump is one of many, who subscribe to the phrase, "The Ends Justify the Means".  When lies came out of the Clinton side, it was usually, as a defense, to people finding more things, that may have gone wrong, with her E-Mail situation.  Like her saying she didn't send classified information, but then having it proven later.

Many of these "thrusts", were against Trump, such as his issues with Trump University and the Access Hollywood "Tape on the bus" (with slurs against women).  And, of course, women came out, who had issues.  But something overrode this suddenly, making it a likely "Decision Point", in this "Probability Mishmash" (because that's what we were going through, at the time.  It was as if a "Stew" was being cooked, with every sort of Probability, just jumbled all together.  What a picture this provides us!

But the final, October Surprise, in my opinion, and the "straw that collapsed the democratic hope" for this election was the October 28th Letter from James Comey.  It was at this point, that we saw a surge in news coverage, regarding the Clinton Emails, and a major decrease in the coverage of the Trump scandals.  This was also the last straw, causing many progressives to bail on Hillary Clinton, and  then voting for people like Gary Johnson or Jill Stein.

Please note:  Mr. Trump might like to see how this is playing out in the International Stage.

This is going to be a multi-part series, on this, as well as the Eye Blink Universe BLOG.

How should you comport yourself in a Trump administration?

One thing for sure:  Never lose your sense of humor!

There will be more from me later.

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Wayne Par,er, Troubleshooter.
--  I Look for Trouble, and Shoot It!

Footnote [1]:

There are two terminologies, for these "multiple Realities".  But first, let me back up a bit.  For people, first encountering the concept, whether through the Multiple Worlds theory of Quantum Physics, the Seth teachings, by Jane Roberts, the Michael Teachings, or Science Fiction (i.e. Worlds of the Imperium, by Keith Laumer):  I often get a question:  "How many of these Realities are there, anyway?"  I often answer with a question:  "How many Cells are there in a Human Body?"  In other words, a whole BUNCH of them!

Now, to the terminology:  In the Seth system, we call these Realities "Probabilities".   A great introduction to this topic can be found in Chapter 15, of the introductory book, "The Seth Material":  "Probable Selves and Probable Systems of Reality".  And note that the followup books, all have chapters on this topic.

The other, major terminology (found almost everywhere EXCEPT Seth, or this BLOG) often discusses something, called "Parallel Universes", with the usage (in the case of this Post):   "A Parallel Split just occurred".

But please review My Prior Post, to see my objections to the term, "Parallel"!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

When is a Parallel Universe not a Parallel Universe?

So, when discussing Parallel Universes, or Probabilities in the Seth Material, how are these different Universes (or Worlds, like in Nature of Personal Reality) arranged?  If you stood over them, and viewed them like, say, dead ants, what would this grouping look like? 

My contention is that they would be a jumbled mess, sort of like if this group of ants were mass killed by, say, one or more brands of Insecticide

As I've discussed before, my contention is that this effect creates the appearance that our Universes are NOT Parallel.  Why?  Because people have as much trouble parking their Universe, as they do, parking their car.

There will be more to this Post, so heads up on Edits.

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Wayne Parker

Thursday, February 13, 2014

New direction for this BLOG.

Hello folks,

This is a "sister BLOG" to my Eye Blink Universe BLOG.

Background:  I'm involved in two main teachings, the Seth Material and the Michael Teachings.  They both have their own terminology, which corresponds, in certain areas, but is quite different in others.  For example, multiple Universes (which this BLOG specializes in, by the way):  In the Michael teachings (as well as Science Fiction), these Universes are called Parallel Universes, or simply, "Parallels".  There is one problem with this, which was one reason I started this BLOG in the first place:  These universes are rarely so organized, as to be "parallel".  In fact, one joke I came up with (or heard somewhere):  "People have as much trouble parallel parking their Universes, as they do parallel parking their cars".

In the other teaching, which I'll call (as in previous paragraph) the Seth Material (not to be confused with the book, The Seth Material), the idea of multiple realities, that might share the same "clock time" is called "Probabilities".  So, to reduce confusion between these two teachings, I'll concentrate on the Seth terminology on this BLOG, and Michael terminology on Eye Blink Universe.

Now, there is another website, as well, which will be my Master site,  This is still being developed, but is to be a static site, with plenty of information right in the linked words.  In other words, a "rabbit hole" site, where the words can go many layers in.  This will serve both BLOGS.

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Parker, Carrboro, NC

Friday, April 13, 2012

What would it feel like, if you Became a Movie?

Hello folks!

A few weeks ago, I watched a violent movie, in "Universe mode", where you "become the movie".  When the movie was over, the feed (HBO) showed the closing credits.  But, since I was "planted  right in the middle of the movie" (experiencing the movie, in a "muted" state), I was still there.  It was, as if they had filmed in a special parallel universe, perhaps on an unsustainable planet, where time is spotty, via computer.

The fantastic thing is that they kept the feed going, making it look like the people on the other end had access to my Apartment!  So, this becomes a potential nightmare now!  But I stayed in bed, watching the TV screen, as they used every method possible to try to break into my apartment!  But, apparently, the "parallel universe" force fields held, as they never made it in, even using guns and, possibly bombs.  But it was apparent that they could see me, through whatever multi-dimensional audio-visual equipment was present in their own environment.

Remember, folks, when you experience things that go "Bump in the night", if you don't "invite them in", they can't hurt you.  Why?  Because they are "out of phase" with your reality.  Since I knew this, I responded, in a neutral, amused, way, to the images coming out of the TV screen.  There was no audio from that feed, but I could see people mouthing things like they were trying to "rescue" me.  But then, when they escalated the force, against the Force Fields (that routinely exist between universes), it was obvious that they wanted to "break into that object", one way, or other, to "get something".  It's possible that all I got was a surveillance camera, but it seemed to be more than that.  But  anyway, they finally lost interest.  (I guess there's still a Surveillance camera there, but I've lost track of it).

Bottom line?  Watching a movie, while you are either falling asleep, drunk, or under the influence of some sort of substance, you just MIGHT become a part of the movie itself.

Be careful, folks!  One movie I recommend is Waking Life.

Thank you and best regards,

Ken Parker, Seattle, WA

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Shape of Reality: Layers upon layers UPON LAYORS!

Hello folks,

I had about three weeks of clarity, where I didn't have to worry too much about the logistics of life. (Yes, a mental institution. Take this for what you want to, even if it means ignoring the rest of this post, or, at least, taking it with a grain of salt, which you should be doing anyway!)

So what did I see, in the background, while functioning near normal?

Layers upon layers upon layers. Like peeling an onion. (Has anybody counted how many skins make up a jumbo onion?)

This has been a point of confusion, ever since about 2006, when I first made the breakthrough of conscious Astral Projection. Because it worked as advertised for a couple of hours, where I could explore around my apartment building, going through walls. But then, the moment I lay down, I was stuck in a physical body again. (And saying, "Oh man! But that was SO much fun!")

You see, I did everything "right" when I went Astral, as noted in "Astral Dynamics", a book by Robert Bruce. I should have had a long time Astral, guided by the silver cord that I saw between myself and my body. When I lay down, there was NO body on the futon I sleep in, but, while I was horizontal, everything was put back together again, for physicality.

So what's going on? Mini-layers of reality. Micro-shifts, like the turn of a page in a multi-thousand page book of your life (which you can do simply by blinking your eyes! Betcha didn't know that trick!)

Micro-shifts? Shifts where the differences are as if none exist? Go study Quantum Physics, and look up the "Multiple Worlds theory". In the Michael Teachings, micro-shifts are barely dealt with, only to say that you're not going to usually find much of a difference if you eat Cheerios one morning instead of the usual eggs over easy. (The Michael Teachings deal more with big, emotional shifts, such as do I stay in California with family, or move to Oklahoma for a career change?)

As opposed to the Michael Teachings, Quantum Physics suggest that every micro-choice has the equal and opposite micro-choice also, which is quite correct. I was astounded by the picture of the Parallel Multiverse that I saw two-weeks ago. It was like a forest of Fractals. And if you land on any point, there would be many spots where it's a shift, but you probably wouldn't be able to find the difference that makes up that shift. (A butterfly might have picked one flower over another to sip the nectar). And here's a hint: If you are stuck behind a red light that's taking too long to change, start blinking fast, until you see either the light change, or the walk signal for the other direction change to blinking don't walk. And then, change back to normal blink rate. I'm sure that those of you who are chief feature of Impatience will especially like this one.

Back to my Astral Projection experience. Essence gave me the whole experience, in Technicolor, since I'd been, basically blocked from it earlier in my lifetime. But when I lay down, that was the end of that, as I merged back into my usual clump of parallel bodies, so close to each other that I can't normally tell the difference.

So what happened later on when I followed the "Astral Dynamics" directions? I got up, in an astral body, even saw the silver cord and the body in the bed, but found that THIS body was as physical as the one before, and could operate door knobs. When I walked back into the bedroom, I no longer saw another Ken Parker in bed. (And then, later on, if I tried the "Astral Dynamics" directions, I'd find myself waking up a body from Hibernation. No more about that in this post except to state that it has to do with clumping of multiple parallels, tied together electromagnetically).

So back to the layers. I go through the usual suspects, (i.e. Astral Projection), but then end up where I began, in something like the same physical body I was in before. That was SO frustrating, earlier in my life. But now I know what's going on.

When you look at, say, a chart with Physical, Astral, Causal, and put that on your experience, you might find that Astral, here is Physical There! Causal here is just a computer simulation of Physical reality elsewhere.

And this BLOG name is coming to fruition in this post, as these realities absolutely ARE jumbled together!!!

More later.

Kenneth Parker, Seattle, Washington

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What is Truth? Is there such a thing?

I am currently on a quest to define what Reality is. This has taken me on a practically literal roller coaster ride, with spectacular ups (including breathtaking closed-eye imagery I would love to be able to pass along to others), as well as some devastating downs (quite literally, it seems, with family, friendships, my health and my finances being some of the casualties).

I am not finished, by any means, as I see a lot of deceit in the United States government, especially in the Republican party. (I publicly called them out on that a few days ago, by the way, but people don't seem to care about that).

What bothers me most about this is how hard this is to maintain. People are being asked to live as if there is only one reality, with a rock solid commodity called Truth. And, in fact, laws are passed to force ordinary citizens to be truthful, among other things.

There is something called Fiction, which is a way for people to express what happens to them when it doesn't fit in with the mainstream. It obviously provides an outlet for often traumatic experiences. But it falls way short.

The problem, as I see it, is Trust. Is there such a thing?

I currently do not trust physical reality. I interface with it, of course. When I encounter a person, I interface with him/her. That frequently leads to a level of trust in the conversation. But then, I often find that the persona I interfaced with one day did not feel like the persona I interfaced with the next day.

Our houses are powered by alternating current. This means that Plus and Minus switches places every 60th of a second. This is a very interesting environment to live in, which is actually not physical at all, but an energy construct between two physical locations, usually kept in sync with each other. When this synchronization fails, there are consequences, often extreme, which can even show up in emergency rooms and courtrooms.

Another way to look at this is a mirror. You look in a mirror for personal hygiene purposes, assuming that the person on the other side is you. As I see it, it is! An alter-ego. But that doesn't mean there aren't differences. (You hear it on the news: "His right hand doesn't know what his left hand is doing").

This is only a beginning. Under the auspices of The Alida Institute, I'm starting a study, "What is Reality?"

I have a lot of information from the last few years. What it feels like to fall asleep, including feeling the transition (which doesn't occur very often).

What does it mean to dream? There's lots of info out in the public domain of course, but I'm interested in the infrastructure of wake, sleep and dream.

This is only a beginning. But all foundations and institutes start small.


Kenneth Parker in Seattle, Washington.

Friday, July 31, 2009

What is Reality? Dreams and Stories.

Once upon a time.

Let's break that down. I think it's actually more like, "Let's begin a story at this point in time". But the former is shorter.

What is a story? You are a story. You began when your parents made out with each other, and each of us will wind up somewhere in a grave, cistern, ocean or some such. There will be a biography of your life. You don't believe me? Look up Akashic Records on Google. You will deal with this when you die. Trust me on this. One of my unpaid dream jobs is one of the many librarians that make up the Akashic Records. They herd people into a room and tell someone, "go see Ken over there at that desk. Yes, the guy in the blue shirt. He'll help you". And I will. To the best of my ability. I'm a good listener. I know this is a long process, and I am very patient. Very patient. I've been doing this for, it seems, a million and a quarter years, when you count all of my Parallel realities. Since I live in the Akashic Records, I slip and slide all of the time. It doesn't mean you have to do that. I do it because it's my job.

But back to stories. We all sleep and dream. (Obviously, we may not remember those dreams, but we have them, nevertheless. Or else you become psychotic like I can be if I don't sleep for three days. I know my limits. No sleep for three days, I'm all coocoo for coco puffs. No sleep for five days, I sleep walk).

The Michael teachings have a large contingent of material about Parallel Realities. Much of the dithering between parallels occur in the dream state. And then, something comes out and demands everybody accept it as "Rock Bottom Reality". Well, I can be rock bottom also. I found out that, if I get angry, I now turn into a walking, talking Granite Statue. But a very nice, polite, well behaved Granite Statue. They put that barrier on me for a reason, because true fury from any Essence, no matter what, where, or who, can be deadly!

I even got God in a dither once, at the Seattle Center, when I'd been changed into a walking statue. Because I was able to increase the frequency of that Statue to the Priest range! That was the loudest scream I've ever heard in my ear! Because of this, I always identify myself [designation: Ken is one of many, just like Seven of Nine of the Borg in Star Trek, Voyager]: as "Point of View Prime with left ear issue". People in the know recognize what that means.

That's enough for now. I'm a bit tired and want to lie down.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Special note on this BLOG

This BLOG has to do with the Quantum Universes that are created when we make a decision (especially a highly emotionally charged one).

At the moment, my Eye Blink BLOG is more up to date, especially with an event that I held, earlier in April. Please catch up there.

I have plans for this BLOG. Keep posted!

Thank you and best regards,

Ken Parker

Monday, March 30, 2009

What does it mean to be real?

This is a question that many have pondered, and many of them have written books about what they found in their search.

That question I posed last time. Reality? Day time reality? Television? Newspapers? How about dreams? They sure can feel real when they happen.

I've heard a lot about telling the difference between Objective Reality and Subjective Reality. Fair enough. So how do we distinguish the two?

Everybody has their Subjective reality. It is what you experience, whether it is body sensations, sight, hearing, smell, taste. Sense of position is one I've been confounded with in the past. The scenario goes like this: I'm standing on a sidewalk. It's clear that I'm not going to fall and I'm steady on my feet. Yet I feel a subjective sense of movement, usually a twist either clockwise or counterclockwise. So my question would be (if there was a framework for asking it), what is it that moved? (I've got used to this now, by the way. But I'll be interested in hearing from you if you've experienced things like this).

A lot of what I describe here is quite subtle. Obviously, if you are in the midst of an event with lots of interaction, the subtleties can be easily overlooked. One precept I've found helps a lot is "no sudden moves". For example, if I step slowly, carefully, and deliberately, I can walk through a group of pigeons without scaring them. But obviously, if you jump into a group of them, they will fly off. So if I "notice something", then I "note it" while doing exactly what I was doing, as if nothing was happening. I'm extremely happy of one of these experiences, as I had an altered state connection to another parallel Ken Parker who was dying, and witnessed his death, during a conference call at my day job. I stayed right there, answering all the questions impeccably, mouthing what I thought were my goodbyes to my ceiling, and stayed with the call, even with the ghost sensations of the bursting of an abdominal aneurysm in another body. And then, I stepped out of the bed, feeling fine, and the rest of the day goes well. But there is a ghost feeling of another part of me in trouble.

I welcome comments from others, who have subjective experiences that just do not seem to fit in with what others say.

Ken Parker in Seattle, Washington

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Just What is Reality, Anyway?

First, let me introduce myself: I am Ken Parker, a computer professional who creates Universes in his spare time. My BLOG career began with the Eye Blink Universe BLOG, but I then expanded my blogging, to (among other things) support a Calendar and Political Party for my Universe.

This BLOG will develop the Multiple Worlds brand of Quantum Physics, which goes something like, "When you make a choice, there is an aspect of you somewhere (or somewhen), who made the other one". Why? Because the Higher Aspects of us have way too much time on their hands, and would be quite bored if they had to be focused on just one reality at a time.

Ken Parker in Seattle.